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Sunday 26 July 2020

Noise Thinking- Don't be victim of Noise

Noise Thinking:

I came to this phrase today and though to write something about this. to narrate this will tell u a story, so that one can connect and appreciate the thought.

There was a village and in that no single doctor was there. One family sent his child city, to learn the join doctor program and become the doctor. The child become the doctor and came to the village. Their parents were very happy and fellow friends and villagers were feeling un-comfortable. As he is the only doctor in the village, his earning is good as compared to other people in the village.

Based on this situation, most of the villagers started encouraging and convincing their child to become the Doctor. Even their children are interested to become something else and not doctor. So most of the children went to city and started taking doctor program. They came back to the village and started practicing. As previously there was only one doctor in the village and his earning was good, not the doctor count has been increased and earning has been reduced for all the doctors in the village. There was no diversity in the village people as most of them are doctors and no other professions.

As the number of doctors has been increased in the village, which resulted in reduction of the earning. Villagers has used the NOISE Thinking and did not listen to their children. Now these doctors have to come out of the village and look for new places to do the practice.

Based on the above story I can drive that ”Follow your dream and not the Noise Thinking. People will tell different things and tell you to join this course or that course, that will benefits you, this will benefit you.. Listen to them as they are well wishers of you, but think multiple times before applying Noise thinking on you.”

Now a days we are getting lot of free education and from various resources. One need to find the course and program which suits your personality, thinking, future development etc. Do not directly jump into the course, because your friend has joined the same. Think, Think, Think, apply.
Don’t be victim of the “Noise Thinking”.

Thursday 2 July 2020

Attitude matters: A small story

Attitude matters, at least to me..

During my previous endeavors, there were few employee with whom I was working on daily basis. There was an incident happened which given me a good lesson of life.

The incident was the employee has put down his papers and serving notice period. Suddenly the employee has stopped working and not contributing/ completing his daily provided task.

I went to him and I ask, "What is the reason, you are so reluctant and not working now a days. This Behavior was seen after you put down the papers (Resignation)."

He promptly replied, "I have put down the papers and I do not have my liability towards the company".

I said, "As you are serving the notice period, you do have a liability towards the company and you need to focus on completing the provided task, rather enjoying the notice period. Will you be happy if company stop paying you for the notice period you are serving??".

He did not turn back.

Usually I found such kind of people who think that, after the resignation and serving the notice period, they should stop working and contributing. In this process they lose the professionalism and organization level thinking. They also loose the greater insights, that is they are serving the notice period and organization is paying the salary for that period.

Refusing to work is not the correct steps which he has taken. 

Instead I suggest the followings,

1)   Complete the provided task, as ask for more work or help your colleagues.

2)    Give proper training to your backups.

3)    Prepare the document, which tell your supervisor, what are your workings and deliverable, this help the other member to create proper backups.

4)    Don’t change the attitude and meaning at work place. Do remember, why you wanted this job and you joined the organization.

5)    Maintain good repo and bond with everyone, you may not know, who will help you in future.

6)    Share your knowledge with the team and don’t let team to know, you did not belongs to them, after resignation.


While hiring the candidate, I mostly look for the Attitude and less on the knowledge.

Attitude matters most to me when it comes to Personal life and professional life.

Keep and develop good attitude and lead the rat race in the life.

The Book "You can win" by Shiv Khera is great book to change the attitude and focus on productivity.