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Sunday 13 September 2020

The Beggar- Stranger Theory (A life's learning theory)

 Disclaimer: The blog is not meant to hurt someone’s sentiment and its only for knowledge purpose.

The Beggar- Stranger Theory (A life's learning theory)

Last evening, when I was coming from office to Home in office car, I stopped at near by restaurant which is located at my home. After 3 hours of long drive, My-self and the Driver was very hungry. We need something to feed our self. There was Farsaan Shop who provide variety of snacks. We park the car and went there. We ordered Samosa and waiting for the delivery of the same.


When we are waiting for the delivery, I observed that, there was woman and child standing just near to the shop. Woman is forcing child to go and ask for some help (Money or food)- to the strangers. They are begging to the strangers for support. Woman was carrying one plastic box which she holds, so that strange helpers can put the money or food on that.

I saw boy approaching to me and I realized that the woman forced this boy to come this side. Boy approached me and asked for help with both hand open. I told woman to come nearby to the boy. She came with the same plastic box, which is Empty.

My though was, did anyone helped her or not through out the day? Why her box is empty?

I took my purse and kept some change in the plastic box. Now both Woman and Child, going to see the other strangers and asking for help. I observed that, when woman is approaching to the next stranger, she took all the money from the plastic box and kept the same in her shoulder carry bag. I did not realize, what happened. My driver told me she wants to portray the other stranger, that she does not have anything as of day, so that other side have some courtesy and support the Woman and child, its an emotional thing.

Suddenly one phrase comes in my mind, “The Beggar- Stranger Theory”, which given me thought to write this blog.


           So here is the idea. When someone wants to learn something from somewhere, keep your ego down, have an empty box (Mind) and keep collecting the knowledge from the stranger whenever possible. Do not stop learning and keep bagging for the same throughout your life, as this is the only area where you can have things like,

1)      Meeting multiple strangers

2)      Learning new things

3)      Keeping you Ego and attitude down

4)      Knowledge upgrade


           When you show your ego and attitude, people and friends tend to leave you and they do not come back with the same mind and thought. Also, when you think your knowledge is more than the other side, they stop discussing the things. Let the other party tell you what they have with open mind, then its your choice to keep it with you and destroy the same.

          Other side is also important, the Stranger side. They also support the individual who require knowledge upgrade and enhance their learning. 

Like her box become empty every time when she reaches to the new stranger, same way, when u want to learn  something from stranger, keep you mind empty which have non productive things, which blocks the learning possibility of individuals. So, let’s have good relation between Beggar and Stranger.